Improved Welcome Tour and assignment notification e-mail messages + other minor enhancements and corrections.
- Include Assignment description and all Tasks in new assignment notification e-mail messages.
- Expand and improve Welcome Tour to ease user onboarding.
- Add Saving…/Saved message to provide user feedback on auto-saving of changes.
- Prevent occasional Not Found: Procedure Step error when reordering Procedure Steps.
- Prevent occasional Not Found: Procedure Step errors when adding Content to Procedure Steps.
- Correct Assignment list sorting/grouping to use Assignment completion status rather than read/unread view status.
- Restore fieldset toggle icons to again match accordion icons.
- Restore alignment of disclosure and separator carets.
- Prevent color changes on Assignment/Task status splitbutton.
- Prevent server deployment failure if upgrading NodeJS execution environment version
- Minor internal updates for maintainability.