Define. Assign. Track.

Document every procedure. Track every assignment. Collaborate on every workflow.

Multilevel Checklist-Based Procedures

Multilevel Checklist-Based Procedures

Document it once, do it right every time

Standardize recurring organizational workflow by creating checklist templates with substeps nested up to 4 levels deep. If you can write an outline, you can document a standard operating procedure.

Instant Procedure Import

Easily integrate existing documentation

Are your procedures lying dormant as static word processing documents? Paste them into TaskTrain for instant conversion & immediate integration into team workflow.

Create Procedure From Document Outline
Multimedia Procedure Content

Multimedia Procedure Content

When a movie is worth a million words

Deliver or reinforce training when & where it’s needed by providing detailed work instructions as formatted text, pictures, videos, or attached documents at each procedure step.

Content Reuse

Up-to-date instructions everywhere

Avoid duplicating effort and keeping multiple versions up-to-date by linking the same work instruction content across multiple steps and procedures.

Content Reuse
Task-Level Assignment 2

Task-Level Assignment

No more “dropped balls”

Coordinate team accountability by assigning each step of your procedure to the appropriate team member as a separate task, each with its own start and due date.

Task-Level Comment Threads

Collaborate—in context

Facilitate team communication & task completion with assignment- & task-level threaded discussions supporting formatted text & file attachments.

Task-Level Comment Threads
Multiple Task Status Levels

Multiple Task Status Levels

Because work isn’t just “done” or “not done”

Track assignment completion progress in detail using 5 task status levels: Not Started, In Progress, Blocked, Skipped, & Completed.

Publishing Controls

Draft, Publish, Archive

Prevent procedures from being used before they are ready and after they are outdated.

Draft Procedures
Flexible Organization

Flexible Filing

Search, Filter, Find

Categorize procedures by topic keywords, organizational functions, and industry sector for easy searching and filtering.

Secure Sharing

Team procedure manuals

Easily and securely share procedures in team manuals with four levels of member access permissions.

Secure Sharing
Multiple Workspaces (1)

Multiple Workspaces

Organized for agencies and consultants

Manage independent workspaces with separate members to coordinate workflow for multiple organizations without switching accounts.

Procedure Portability

Don’t repeat yourself

Easily move or copy procedures and their training content between team manuals and across workspaces.

Move & Copy Procedures
Multiple Inboxes

Individual Inboxes

Workflow management as easy as e-mail

Keep on top of all of your assignments and related comment threads with filterable, searchable inboxes in each workspace.

Auditable Assignment History

Auditable Activity History

Know exactly who did what, when

Automate your work records with a detailed record of every action taken on every assignment.

3000+ Application Integrations

Automate your operations

Schedule and assign recurring workflows and update your other apps automatically with our Zapier integration.

Zapier app integrations

TaskTrain scales with your team across desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Avoid wasting valuable time. Document your core business processes and integrate them into everyday workflow with TaskTrain. Efficient, repeatable process execution is the foundation on which to scale your business.