Thanks so much for taking time to try out TaskTrain during our limited-access beta! We’re busy enhancing features, improving responsiveness on mobile devices, writing more Help Center articles, and prioritizing our product road map, all based on feedback from our early adopters.
How are we doing?
To prepare us for a wider audience, we’d love to get your take on what we’ve built. So when you have a minute, I’d be grateful if you’d reply with your thoughts… What do you like? What sucks? (It’s OK to say—we’re in beta for a reason!) What would take you from TaskTrain tester to subscriber?
If talking is easier that typing, send me your availability and I’ll give you a quick call!
Who can we help?
Even if TaskTrain isn’t a fit for you, perhaps you know someone who could benefit from the platform—maybe an entrepreneur or department manager struggling to scale operations and/or achieve consistent quality due to ad hoc work processes and inconsistent employee execution?
If so, we want to help! We’re looking for a service organization leader or a team manager with a need for and commitment to process documentation and workflow coordination. In exchange for gleaning a case study from the engagement, we’re offering:
• a before / after process consultation with a Six-Sigma certified analyst (yes, OK, that’s me ;-)),
• concierge on-boarding to the TaskTrain process management platform,
• 1-year discounted subscription to our premium plan at base plan pricing (75% savings)
So far, we’ve got the most interest from IT directors and digital marketing agency COOs, but TaskTrain would be of use to any service organization or workgroup that has:
• repeating, multi-step, interdependent, manual processes,
• a distributed, low-skilled, high-turn-over, or rapidly growing workforce,
• high impact for errors in work,
• and/or a quality/safety culture
If you or anyone you know is interested that offer, please contact me at
Regardless, thanks again for trying TaskTrain!
All the best,
Keith Gillette
Founder & Factotum
PS: If you haven’t signed in to TaskTrain in a while, we’ve enhanced user interface responsiveness in almost every view as well as improved the display of organization information and embedded content. Sign in again and tell us what else we can improve!